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Pisces staff include experts in invertebrate taxonomy, lake and river life, and fish ecology. The Pisces reputation is underlined by the number and variety of projects with which staff have been involved and by a long list of scientific and expert publications from over thirty years of research. Two have written books on aquatic ecology, taxonomy and ecological methodologies. Members of staff regularly teach at Southampton and the University of Oxford.

Pisces can supply an experienced team for impingement / entrainment monitoring work anywhere in the UK. Certifications held by Pisces staff include:
  • BSVR/BPSS/Counter-Terrorism Checking security vetting to work on UK licensed nuclear sites
  • Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) registration
  • CCNSG Safety Passports
  • Nominated Supervisor and Nominated Competent Person training
  • First Aid training
  • STCW95 Personal Survival Techniques
  • Environment Agency-approved certification of competence in electric fishing
  • Experience and safety inductions for working on large industrial sites (including nuclear).
Other skills, qualifications and experience:
  • Design, construction and testing of sampling apparatus
  • Boat handling and navigation, trawling, grab sampling, and other boat-based survey work
  • Short- and long-term monitoring of thermal effluent plumes
  • Water quality analysis for chlorination by-products and other contaminants
  • Monitoring of plankton and larval fish
  • Comprehensive experience in identifying fish, crustaceans, macroinvertebrates, zooplankton and macrophytes.
Our key staff:
Richard Seaby, BSc. PhD. - richard@pisces-conservation.com
Richard is the managing director of PISCES. He obtained his degree from the University of London and doctorate in freshwater ecology from the University of Liverpool. He is a specialist in aquatic ecology and Windows programming for ecological applications. Much of his ecological work in recent years has been on the effect of industrial plant on marine fisheries.
Peter Henderson, BSc. PhD. - peter@pisces-conservation.com
Peter gained Bachelor's and doctoral degrees from Imperial College, London. He has many years' experience in applied ecological research, lecturing in population ecology and ecological methods at the University of Oxford. He co-authored the book Ecological Methods with Prof. Sir Richard Southwood, and is a specialist in population dynamics and tropical and temperate crustacean and fish ecology. Peter has worked extensively on the conservation of wetlands.
Robin Somes - robin@pisces-conservation.com
Robin trained as an illustrator, but has subsequently worked for many years in ecological surveying and fish deterrence. Robin runs our websites and works on software development and e-books, as well as handling software sales, and the design of our brochures, CDs and packaging. In the field, he specialises in fish, benthic and lagoonal invertebrate surveys, and electric fishing.
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