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In addition to off-the-shelf software packages for students and researchers, Pisces have many years' experience in writing software to individual clients' specifications. We work in close collaboration with the client, to provide bespoke software for database, simulation and educational purposes. Projects include:
  • PISCES - Prediction of Inshore Saline Communities by Expert System; software to predict fish impingement in marine cooling water intakes.
  • Habitat Matching software for Joint Nature Conservation Committee
  • Library System for books, journals and photographs, for Hampshire Wildlife Trust.
  • Transect Walker - a suite of programs developed for Butterfly Conservation, to collate and analyse butterfly monitoring data on a national level.
  • Community Sequence Analysis - the product of a long collaboration with the MIDI-CHIP project, working on diversity analysis of DNA sequences. Now developed as a commercial product.
  • R-Web - Software for simulating and studying the complex movement of radionuclide releases, developed for teaching Masters students in Nuclear Engineering.
We offer realistic pricing, intensive collaboration and client involvement to ensure delivery of customer requirements, and innovative solutions to difficult analyses. Pisces Conservation also produce and sell a very wide range of off-the-shelf software packages for univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, analysis of trapping and other survey data, educational purposes, e-books, library and database management.
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