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Pisces Conservation carry out a range of survey and monitoring work in the UK and USA, including:
  • Power plant impingement/entrainment issues
  • Phyto- and zoo-plankton analysis
  • Power plant biofouling monitoring
  • Aquatic macroinvertebrate and macrophyte sampling
  • Terrestrial macrophytes
  • Rare & scheduled species, e.g. great crested newt, white-clawed crayfish
  • Electric fishing for fish stock and diversity assessment
  • Assessment of dredging and other construction or decommissioning impacts
  • Monitoring of managed retreat and saltmarsh regeneration
  • Monitoring of gravel pit channel diversion
  • Supervision of other contractors' biological survey work
  • Assessment of fish/larvae deterrence and exclusion systems in water intakes
  • Saline/brackish lagoonal specialist species
  • Eel monitoring for compliance with the Eels (England and Wales) Regulations, 2009
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