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Hinkley Point/Severn estuary fish and crustacean monitoring - annual reports
PISCES have been monitoring the fish and crustacean populations in the Severn estuary for the Environment Agency, British Energy and BNFL. (Read more
here). The purpose of this study is to build a long-term database of the abundance of fish and crustaceans in the region. The monitoring was started in October 1980 and monthly samples are still being collected. The data set now comprises monthly abundance estimates for about 80 species of fish and 25 species of macro-crustaceans for a 30-year period.
The Hinkley Point data set is available from Pisces Conservation; it, and the reports below, are supplied free for personal and non-commercial research. We are pleased to supply reports and information for commercial purposes; please contact us for a quote.
Fish and crustacean captures at Hinkley Point 'B' nuclear power station: April 2006 to March 2007; Henderson, P.A., Seaby, R.M.H. and Somes, R. (April 2007). -
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Fish and crustacean captures at Hinkley Point 'B' nuclear power station: April 2005 to March 2006; Henderson, P.A., Seaby, R.M.H. and Somes, R. (March 2006). -
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Evidence for a population collapse of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Bristol Channel: Henderson, P.A., Plenty, S.J., Newton, L.C. and Bird, D.J. (2012). Journal of the Marine Biological Association 94, 843-851.
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The role of climate in determining the temporal variation in abundance, recruitment and growth of sole Solea solea (L) in the Bristol Channel.
Henderson, P. A. & Seaby, R. M. (2005). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 85 197-204.
Download paper (187 kb).
A 25-year study of climatic and density-dependent population regulation of common shrimp Crangon crangon
(Crustacea: Caridea) in the Bristol Channel. P.A. Henderson, R.M. Seaby and J.R. Somes. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. (2006), 86, 287-298.
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Is climate the main determinant in fish population changes?
Henderson, P. A. (2005). JMBA Global Marine Environment, Issue 2, Summer 2005
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Explaining the excess of rare species in natural species abundance distributions. Anne E. Magurran & Peter A. Henderson (2003). NATURE, VOL 422, 17 APRIL 2003
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Regional climatic warming drives long-term community changes of British marine fish.
Martin J. Genner, David W. Sims, Victoria J. Wearmouth, Emily J. Southall, Alan J. Southward, Peter A. Henderson and Stephen J. Hawkins. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. (2003).
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The effects of power station entrainment passage on three species of marine planktonic crustacean, Acartia tonsa (Copepoda), Crangon crangon (Decapoda) and Homarus gammarus (Decapoda). Bamber, R.N. and Seaby, R.M.H., (2004). Marine Environmental Research
57 (2004) 281-294.
Download report (223 kb).
Sustainable exploitation of Aquatic Resources; A presentation given by Dr Peter Henderson at the Oxford Earth Summit on April 16th 2002. -
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The impoverished fauna of the deep water channel and marginal areas between Flatholm Island and King Road, Severn estuary.; R. Warwick, P.A. Henderson, J.M. Fleming and J.R. Somes, August 2001.
As part of an investigation into the ecology of the subtidal region of the Severn Estuary between King Road and the Island of Flatholm, the Bristol Port Company commissioned a grab survey to be undertaken in May 2001. The primary objective of this survey was to quantify the species richness and abundance of the benthic community within the deep water channel and the adjacent habitat. A particular aim of the study was to acquire further knowledge on the abundance and distribution of Sabellaria reef and its associated biota. The survey was planned to include areas covered by previous surveys to both check that the ecology has not greatly changed and to extend our knowledge of the region. -
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Technical Evaluation of US Environmental Protection Agency proposed cooling water intake regulations for new facilities; Henderson, P.A. and Seaby, R.M.H. (November 2000).
The Environmental Protection Agency of the USA is proposing a set of rules to implement section 316b of the Clean Water Act for facilities that use water from lakes, rivers, estuaries and the sea. The aim is to define a set of rules that will minimise the impact of water extraction and discharge. At present the largest users of water are power plants. Animals and plants are killed by impingement on the filter screens and during passage through the cooling water circuits (entrainment). By far the largest mortality rates are inflicted at direct-cooled power plants, which extract very large water volumes (a typical 1000 MW station may extract 30 cubic meters of water per second). Pisces Conservation Ltd has worked with
RiverKeeper to submit a view on the usefulness of the proposed new rule. -
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Gunderboom Fouling Studies in Bowline Pond, Bowline 3 power station, USA; Henderson, P.A., Seaby, R.M.H., Cailes, C. and Somes, J.R. (July 2001).
The Gunderboom is a structure made from a geotextile matting that is hung as a curtain across a cooling water intake to stop the entrainment of planktonic animals, particularly fish eggs and larvae. Because power stations pump considerable volumes of water, and in order to be effective the Gunderboom must have a low flow per unit area, a Gunderboom curtain must offer a large surface area to the flow. Before any new structure can be introduced we need to consider if it will be effective in reducing entrainment and also ensure that it does not create other, as yet, unanticipated ecological impacts. There are a number of potential problems with respect to the use of Gunderbooms that are briefly described below. These problems are linked to the development of biofouling communities on the fabric, which is why the development of fouling and the effect on permeability is the subject of this report. -
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Effects of physical restructuring of channels on the flora and fauna of three Wessex rivers; Langford, T.E.L., Somes, J.R. and Bowles, F. (July 2000).
An analysis of the impact of physical habitat restoration on non-target species of plants and macro-invertebrates on the River Piddle, Devil's Brook, Wylye, Till and the Sherston and Malmesbury Avons, in Dorset and Wiltshire -
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Plankton samples at Hinkley Point nuclear power station, January 1982 to December 1994. E. Burfoot, 1995.
Zooplankton is an important part of the food web in the marine and estuarine environment. Mysids and prawns are the principal prey for many fish species within the estuary, and fish such as whiting follow their prey as they migrate.
Since 1982, the zooplankton community of the Bridgwater Bay area has been regularly sampled. This has been done in conjunction with observations taken with regard to fish catches on the cooling water intake screens at the Hinkley Point power station which have resulted in a number of papers concerning the trophic structure of the estuary, the factors influencing the abundance of flatfish in the lower estuary, and the seasonality of caridean decapod and mysid distribution. Here, the results of 13 years' plankton sampling are presented and analysed. There was an increase in the number of species recorded from 1987 onwards. -
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A comparison of the species-time relationship across ecosystems and taxonomic groups. Ethan P. White, Peter B. Adler, William K. Lauenroth, Richard A. Gill, David Greenberg, Dawn M. Kaufman, Andrew Rassweiler, James A. Rusak, Melinda D. Smith, John R. Steinbeck, Robert B. Waide and Jin Yao. OIKOS 112: 185-195, 2006.
Download paper (138 kb).
Rarity in large data sets: Singletons, modal values and the location of the species abundance distribution. Straatsma, G., & Egli, S. Basic and Applied Ecology (2012).
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